Sunday, November 27, 2011

Awesome flat is awesome

Flume - Paper Thin

Huvitavat infot - kas teadsite, et leedu ja india keel on omavahel suguluses? (seda väitsid mulle indialane ja leedukas, so I better believe it.)
Taanlased on väga vahvad ning üritavad igati taani keele õppimisega aidata. Abist ära ei ütleks tegelikult, nii et proovime ära.
Tormituuled Sonderborgis. Tuul, mis paiskab momentaalselt jalust ning rebib mu armsa karvamütsi peast, sekka pisut uduvihma...  Kui sellise ilmaga imelisel kombel elusalt ja tervelt öösel koju jõuad, õpid sooja kodu ja voodit hindama.
Ei saa endiselt sellest korterist üle, kus eilne pidu toimus. Halloo, kõrged laed, suured ja avarad toad, imeline vaade, otsekui filmist pärinev tuletõrjeredel, vanaaegne lift... Midagi ääretult kutsuvat on selles kombos.

Some interesting facts - did you know, that lithuanian and indian languages are actually related? (a lithuanian girl and an indian guy told me that, so I suppose this must be true)
Danes are really nice and offered some help with learning danish. Can't say no to that.
Storm in Sonderborg. Some wind, that can literally blow me off my feet and is trying to rip my beloved furry hat off my head, accompanied with some foggy drizzle... If you manage to get home in some miraculous wat with that kind of weather, you really start to treasure your warm home and bed.
Still can't get that appartment out off my head, where last night's party was held at. Hello, high ceilings, large and spacious rooms, an amazing view, a fireescape just like in the movies, an old-fashioned elevator... There's something immensely inviting in this whole combo.

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